Don't be too busy in laziness that you forget your old age. The future is not far from now, it's now. You're responsible for what you will become in the nearest sunrise . Arch Bishop Benson Idahosa said "I rather ride a bicycle as a young man and drive a Mercedes as an old man, than drive a Mercedes as a young man and ride on a bicycle as an old man. " Very true ! often times most young people with amazing talents,rather than pursuing their passion and dream, spend their strength and time on what is not worth dwelling on, indulging in activities such as watching TV, playing games, spending time on idle social media activities ,When they are a lot of future building activities such as reading good books, adventuring on new ideas, learning new things,goals setting and pursuit . Someone once said "anyone who wakes up successful has not been asleep. You have to work and watch out for the future you want to see. You are the best you aspire to be and you ...