It works like this in your personal life as well. Lets say,for example, that there is a special woman you have been dating. You have always picked her up for your date on  time, you have always called her,when you said you would, you have shown her great care and attention, and you'av helped her when she's asked for your help. In other word you have  good credit in that trust account. So if you have to cancel a date or two because there's an urgent matter that's come up at work, what do you think her response will be?
She'd  be fine with it,because of all of those deposit you've made.
Now lets alter the scenario:say that you've established a pattern  of missing dates, or you haven't called her when you promised you would, and you've  forgotten a few important occasions,then just know you've made far too many withdrawals.
Now one-day you called her up and tell her you need to cancel    the next few dates,you've setup because of  some crisis at work, what  do you  guess her  response will be?
She probably  wont be impressed. In  fact  if  she took it badly,  it
might  even   be  enough  for her to throw in  the towel and
leave the relationship.

From the example giving, you begin to see,how we all  need  to check on each other,make frequent  deposit  in  the  trust account  of everyone we are in relationship with-not  just in  business but within 
our personal life too.

Do not play with any relationship you find yourself, because you obviously dont  where it might lead  to. That relationship you are into, might just be the  very relationship you need ,to  get fulfill in life,so you must be wise  enough to treasure every  relationship you find yourself ,except  on  the ground that you  are not interested in going on with that relationship,then you must be reasonable to bring it to  the knowledge of the  second party.
According to M.Tess: "a relationship is not to be  onside  thing, it has to be mutual to get going"

Remember: "The  greatest achievement in life,is to make others happy  just as  you will love to  see yourself been happy."



Personal Development

The Time -The Future

He is Risen